Storage Quotas and Charges

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Checking storage quotas

  • nLustre quotas can be checked with:
> lfs quota -uqh <username> /nlustre


Your quota on the home directories, ie: /home/<username> is 500 GB. Please note that you are not allowed to store, and process your data from this directory. Its sole intent is for small documents and non-processed files.

Your quota on the Lustre file system is 2 TB, with the following provisos:

You have a total of 2 TB, but within /nlustre/users/<username>/scratch, you have unlimited storage for a certain period. The scratch directories get purged periodically on certain dates, 3 times per year:

April 30, 0h00. August 31, 0h00. December 31, 0h00.

What remains under your directory structure, ie: /nlustre/users/<username>, excluding scratch, must be within your 2 TB quota. Further, we will not backup anything under /nlustre/users/<username>/scratch.

We will send only one reminder of the purge date when it approaches. Thereafter, one warning if you are out of quota. Failure to comply, will get your account locked out.

Its the user's responsibility to manage its data, and to keep things ordered, and within quota.