System messages
This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
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Name | Default message text |
Current message text | |
pf-datepicker-dateformatshort (Talk) (Translate) | dd/mm/yy |
pf-datepicker-disabledates (Talk) (Translate) | A comma-separated list of disabled dates/date ranges (dates in yyyy/mm/dd format, ranges in yyyy/mm/dd-yyyy/mm/dd format). |
pf-datepicker-disabledaysofweek (Talk) (Translate) | A list of days that cannot be selected (e.g. weekend: 6, 0). |
pf-datepicker-firstdate (Talk) (Translate) | The first date that can be chosen (in yyyy/mm/dd format). |
pf-datepicker-firstdayofweek (Talk) (Translate) | 0 |
pf-datepicker-highlightdates (Talk) (Translate) | A comma-separated list of dates/date ranges that shall appear highlighted (dates in yyyy/mm/dd format, ranges in yyyy/mm/dd-yyyy/mm/dd format). |
pf-datepicker-highlightdaysofweek (Talk) (Translate) | A list of days that shall appear highlighted (e.g. weekend: 6, 0). |
pf-datepicker-lastdate (Talk) (Translate) | The last date that can be chosen (in yyyy/mm/dd format). |
pf-datepicker-next (Talk) (Translate) | Next |
pf-datepicker-prev (Talk) (Translate) | Previous |
pf-datepicker-today (Talk) (Translate) | Today |
pf-datepicker-weekstart (Talk) (Translate) | The first day of the week (0 - Sunday, 1 - Monday, ...). |
pf-externalpagebadjson (Talk) (Translate) | Could not parse JSON in external page. |
pf-externalpageempty (Talk) (Translate) | External page contains no contents. |
pf-formedit-donotuseform (Talk) (Translate) | Create page without a form. |
pf-formedit-mainforms (Talk) (Translate) | Main forms: |
pf-formedit-otherforms (Talk) (Translate) | Other forms: |
pf-formedit-selectform (Talk) (Translate) | Select a form to create this page: |
pf-invalidexturl (Talk) (Translate) | Invalid external URL value. |
pf-maps-enteraddress (Talk) (Translate) | Enter address here |
pf-maps-lookupcoordinates (Talk) (Translate) | Calculate coordinates using address |
pf-missingconcept (Talk) (Translate) | Could not find concept: $1 |
pf-missingnamespace (Talk) (Translate) | Could not find namespace: $1 |
pf-nocompletionurls (Talk) (Translate) | No external URLs are specified for autocompletion on this wiki. |
pf-pageschemas-createtitle (Talk) (Translate) | Title of form for new pages: |
pf-pageschemas-edittitle (Talk) (Translate) | Title of form for existing pages: |
pf-pageschemas-inputtype (Talk) (Translate) | Input type (leave blank to set to default): |
pf-pageschemas-otherparams (Talk) (Translate) | Enter parameter names and their values as key=value pairs, separated by commas (if a value contains a comma, replace it with "\,"). For example: $1 |
pf-pageschemas-pagenameformula (Talk) (Translate) | Page name formula: |
pf-preview-header (Talk) (Translate) | Form preview |
pf-preview-note (Talk) (Translate) | This is what the form will look like when it is in use: |
pf-regexp-baseprefix (Talk) (Translate) | Prefix for the parameters of the base type. |
pf-regexp-basetype (Talk) (Translate) | The real input type to be used. Defaults to "text". |
pf-regexp-inverse (Talk) (Translate) | If set, the input must NOT match the regular expression to be valid. I.e. the regular expression is inverted. |
pf-regexp-message (Talk) (Translate) | The error message to be displayed if the match fails. Defaults to "Wrong format!" (or equivalent in the current locale) |
pf-regexp-orchar (Talk) (Translate) | The OR-character to be used in the regular expression instead of |. Defaults to "!" |
pf-regexp-regexp (Talk) (Translate) | The regular expression the input has to match to be valid. This must be given including the slashes! Defaults to "/.*/", i.e. any value. |
pf-regexp-wrongformat (Talk) (Translate) | Wrong format. |
pf-select2-input-too-short (Talk) (Translate) | Please enter $1 or more characters. |
pf-select2-no-matches (Talk) (Translate) | No matches |
pf-select2-searching (Talk) (Translate) | Searching... |
pf-select2-selection-too-big (Talk) (Translate) | This field cannot hold more than {{PLURAL:$1|$1 value|$1 values}}. |
pf-simpleupload (Talk) (Translate) | Upload |
pf_autoedit_anoneditwarning (Talk) (Translate) | Warning: You are not logged in. Your IP address will be recorded in this page's edit history. |
pf_autoedit_fail (Talk) (Translate) | Modifying [[$1]] failed. |
pf_autoedit_invalidform (Talk) (Translate) | '''$1''' is not a valid form. |
pf_autoedit_invalidpreloadspecified (Talk) (Translate) | The specified preload page $1 is invalid. |
pf_autoedit_invalidredirecttarget (Talk) (Translate) | $1 is an invalid redirect target for form $2. |
pf_autoedit_invalidtargetspecified (Talk) (Translate) | The specified target page '''$1''' is invalid. |
pf_autoedit_noformfound (Talk) (Translate) | No form specified. |
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