System messages
This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
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Name | Default message text |
Current message text | |
interwiki_edittext (Talk) (Translate) | Editing an interwiki prefix |
interwiki_error (Talk) (Translate) | Error: The interwiki table is empty, or something else went wrong. |
interwiki_intro (Talk) (Translate) | This is an overview of the interwiki table. |
interwiki_intro_footer (Talk) (Translate) | See [//] for more information about the interwiki table. There is a [[Special:Log/interwiki|log of changes]] to the interwiki table. |
interwiki_local (Talk) (Translate) | Forward |
interwiki_local_0_intro (Talk) (Translate) | not honored, a "{{int:badtitle}}" error page will be displayed instead. |
interwiki_local_1_intro (Talk) (Translate) | redirected to the target URL given in the interwiki link definitions (i.e. treated like links to local pages). |
interwiki_local_intro (Talk) (Translate) | An HTTP request to the local wiki with this interwiki prefix in the URL is: |
interwiki_prefix (Talk) (Translate) | Prefix |
interwiki_prefix_intro (Talk) (Translate) | Interwiki prefix to be used in <code>[<nowiki />[prefix:<em>pagename</em>]]</code> wikitext syntax. |
interwiki_reasonfield (Talk) (Translate) | Reason: |
interwiki_trans (Talk) (Translate) | Transclude |
interwiki_trans_0_intro (Talk) (Translate) | do not allow it, rather look for a page in the template namespace. |
interwiki_trans_1_intro (Talk) (Translate) | allow transclusion from the foreign wiki, if interwiki transclusions are generally permitted in this wiki. |
interwiki_trans_intro (Talk) (Translate) | If wikitext syntax <code>{<nowiki />{prefix:<em>pagename</em>}}</code> is used, then: |
interwiki_url (Talk) (Translate) | URL |
interwiki_url_intro (Talk) (Translate) | Template for URLs. The placeholder $1 will be replaced by the <em>pagename</em> of the wikitext, when the abovementioned wikitext syntax is used. |
invalid-chunk-offset (Talk) (Translate) | Invalid chunk offset |
invalid-content-data (Talk) (Translate) | Invalid content data |
invalidateemail (Talk) (Translate) | Cancel email confirmation |
invalidemailaddress (Talk) (Translate) | The email address cannot be accepted as it appears to have an invalid format. Please enter a well-formatted address or empty that field. |
invalidtitle-knownnamespace (Talk) (Translate) | Invalid title with namespace "$2" and text "$3" |
invalidtitle-unknownnamespace (Talk) (Translate) | Invalid title with unknown namespace number $1 and text "$2" |
invert (Talk) (Translate) | Invert selection |
ip_range_invalid (Talk) (Translate) | Invalid IP range. |
ip_range_toolarge (Talk) (Translate) | Range blocks larger than /$1 are not allowed. |
ipadressorusername (Talk) (Translate) | IP address or username: |
ipb-blockingself (Talk) (Translate) | You are about to block yourself! Are you sure you want to do that? |
ipb-blocklist (Talk) (Translate) | View existing blocks |
ipb-blocklist-contribs (Talk) (Translate) | Contributions for $1 |
ipb-change-block (Talk) (Translate) | Re-block the user with these settings |
ipb-confirm (Talk) (Translate) | Confirm block |
ipb-confirmaction (Talk) (Translate) | If you are sure you really want to do it, please check the "{{int:ipb-confirm}}" field at the bottom. |
ipb-confirmhideuser (Talk) (Translate) | You are about to block a user with "hide user" enabled. This will suppress the user's name in all lists and log entries. Are you sure you want to do that? |
ipb-default-expiry (Talk) (Translate) | |
ipb-disableusertalk (Talk) (Translate) | Prevent this user from editing their own talk page while blocked |
ipb-edit-dropdown (Talk) (Translate) | Edit block reasons |
ipb-hardblock (Talk) (Translate) | Prevent logged-in users from editing from this IP address |
ipb-needreblock (Talk) (Translate) | $1 is already blocked. Do you want to change the settings? |
ipb-otherblocks-header (Talk) (Translate) | Other {{PLURAL:$1|block|blocks}} |
ipb-unblock (Talk) (Translate) | Unblock a username or IP address |
ipb-unblock-addr (Talk) (Translate) | Unblock $1 |
ipb_already_blocked (Talk) (Translate) | "$1" is already blocked. |
ipb_blocked_as_range (Talk) (Translate) | Error: The IP address $1 is not blocked directly and cannot be unblocked. It is, however, blocked as part of the range $2, which can be unblocked. |
ipb_cant_unblock (Talk) (Translate) | Error: Block ID $1 not found. It may have been unblocked already. |
ipb_expiry_invalid (Talk) (Translate) | Expiry time invalid. |
ipb_expiry_temp (Talk) (Translate) | Hidden username blocks must be permanent. |
ipb_hide_invalid (Talk) (Translate) | Unable to suppress this account; it has more than {{PLURAL:$1|one edit|$1 edits}}. |
ipbblocked (Talk) (Translate) | You cannot block or unblock other users because you are yourself blocked. |
ipbcreateaccount (Talk) (Translate) | Prevent account creation |
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