System messages
This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
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Name | Default message text |
Current message text | |
apr (Talk) (Translate) | Apr |
april (Talk) (Translate) | April |
april-date (Talk) (Translate) | April $1 |
april-gen (Talk) (Translate) | April |
article (Talk) (Translate) | Content page |
articleexists (Talk) (Translate) | A page of that name already exists, or the name you have chosen is not valid. Please choose another name. |
articlepage (Talk) (Translate) | View content page |
ascending_abbrev (Talk) (Translate) | asc |
aug (Talk) (Translate) | Aug |
august (Talk) (Translate) | August |
august-date (Talk) (Translate) | August $1 |
august-gen (Talk) (Translate) | August |
autoblock_whitelist (Talk) (Translate) | AOL * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * |
autoblockedtext (Talk) (Translate) | Your IP address has been automatically blocked because it was used by another user, who was blocked by $1. The reason given is: :<em>$2</em> * Start of block: $8 * Expiry of block: $6 * Intended blockee: $7 You may contact $1 or one of the other [[{{MediaWiki:Grouppage-sysop}}|administrators]] to discuss the block. Note that you may not use the "email this user" feature unless you have a valid email address registered in your [[Special:Preferences|user preferences]] and you have not been blocked from using it. Your current IP address is $3, and the block ID is #$5. Please include all above details in any queries you make. |
autoblocker (Talk) (Translate) | Autoblocked because your IP address has been recently used by "[[User:$1|$1]]". The reason given for $1's block is "$2" |
autoblockid (Talk) (Translate) | Autoblock #$1 |
autocomment-prefix (Talk) (Translate) | |
autoredircomment (Talk) (Translate) | Redirected page to [[$1]] |
autosumm-blank (Talk) (Translate) | Blanked the page |
autosumm-new (Talk) (Translate) | Created page with "$1" |
autosumm-replace (Talk) (Translate) | Replaced content with "$1" |
backend-fail-alreadyexists (Talk) (Translate) | The file "$1" already exists. |
backend-fail-backup (Talk) (Translate) | Could not backup file "$1". |
backend-fail-batchsize (Talk) (Translate) | The storage backend was given a batch of $1 file {{PLURAL:$1|operation|operations}}; the limit is $2 {{PLURAL:$2|operation|operations}}. |
backend-fail-closetemp (Talk) (Translate) | Could not close temporary file. |
backend-fail-connect (Talk) (Translate) | Could not connect to storage backend "$1". |
backend-fail-contenttype (Talk) (Translate) | Could not determine the content type of the file to store at "$1". |
backend-fail-copy (Talk) (Translate) | Could not copy file "$1" to "$2". |
backend-fail-create (Talk) (Translate) | Could not write file "$1". |
backend-fail-delete (Talk) (Translate) | Could not delete file "$1". |
backend-fail-describe (Talk) (Translate) | Could not change metadata for file "$1". |
backend-fail-hashes (Talk) (Translate) | Could not get file hashes for comparison. |
backend-fail-internal (Talk) (Translate) | An unknown error occurred in storage backend "$1". |
backend-fail-invalidpath (Talk) (Translate) | "$1" is not a valid storage path. |
backend-fail-maxsize (Talk) (Translate) | Could not write file "$1" because it is larger than {{PLURAL:$2|one byte|$2 bytes}}. |
backend-fail-move (Talk) (Translate) | Could not move file "$1" to "$2". |
backend-fail-notexists (Talk) (Translate) | The file $1 does not exist. |
backend-fail-notsame (Talk) (Translate) | A non-identical file already exists at "$1". |
backend-fail-opentemp (Talk) (Translate) | Could not open temporary file. |
backend-fail-read (Talk) (Translate) | Could not read file "$1". |
backend-fail-readonly (Talk) (Translate) | The storage backend "$1" is currently read-only. The reason given is: "<em>$2</em>" |
backend-fail-store (Talk) (Translate) | Could not store file "$1" at "$2". |
backend-fail-stream (Talk) (Translate) | Could not stream file "$1". |
backend-fail-synced (Talk) (Translate) | The file "$1" is in an inconsistent state within the internal storage backends |
backend-fail-usable (Talk) (Translate) | Could not read or write file "$1" due to insufficient permissions or missing directories/containers. |
backend-fail-writetemp (Talk) (Translate) | Could not write to temporary file. |
backlinksubtitle (Talk) (Translate) | ← $1 |
bad-target-model (Talk) (Translate) | The desired destination uses a different content model. Can not convert from $1 to $2. |
bad_image_list (Talk) (Translate) | The format is as follows: Only list items (lines starting with *) are considered. The first link on a line must be a link to a bad file. Any subsequent links on the same line are considered to be exceptions, i.e. pages where the file may occur inline. |
badaccess (Talk) (Translate) | Permission error |
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