System messages
This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
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Name | Default message text |
Current message text | |
api-error-filename-tooshort (Talk) (Translate) | The filename is too short. |
api-error-filetype-banned (Talk) (Translate) | This type of file is banned. |
api-error-filetype-banned-type (Talk) (Translate) | $1 {{PLURAL:$4|is not a permitted file type|are not permitted file types}}. Permitted {{PLURAL:$3|file type is|file types are}} $2. |
api-error-filetype-missing (Talk) (Translate) | The filename is missing an extension. |
api-error-hookaborted (Talk) (Translate) | The modification you tried to make was aborted by an extension. |
api-error-http (Talk) (Translate) | Internal error: Unable to connect to server. |
api-error-illegal-filename (Talk) (Translate) | The filename is not allowed. |
api-error-internal-error (Talk) (Translate) | Internal error: Something went wrong with processing your upload on the wiki. |
api-error-invalid-file-key (Talk) (Translate) | Internal error: File was not found in temporary storage. |
api-error-missingparam (Talk) (Translate) | Internal error: Missing parameters on request. |
api-error-missingresult (Talk) (Translate) | Internal error: Could not determine if the copy succeeded. |
api-error-mustbeloggedin (Talk) (Translate) | You must be logged in to upload files. |
api-error-mustbeposted (Talk) (Translate) | Internal error: Request requires HTTP POST. |
api-error-noimageinfo (Talk) (Translate) | The upload succeeded, but the server did not give us any information about the file. |
api-error-nomodule (Talk) (Translate) | Internal error: No upload module set. |
api-error-ok-but-empty (Talk) (Translate) | Internal error: No response from server. |
api-error-overwrite (Talk) (Translate) | Overwriting an existing file is not allowed. |
api-error-publishfailed (Talk) (Translate) | Internal error: Server failed to publish temporary file. |
api-error-stasherror (Talk) (Translate) | There was an error while uploading the file to stash. |
api-error-stashfailed (Talk) (Translate) | Internal error: Server failed to store temporary file. |
api-error-timeout (Talk) (Translate) | The server did not respond within the expected time. |
api-error-unclassified (Talk) (Translate) | An unknown error occurred. |
api-error-unknown-code (Talk) (Translate) | Unknown error: "$1". |
api-error-unknown-error (Talk) (Translate) | Internal error: Something went wrong when trying to upload your file. |
api-error-unknown-warning (Talk) (Translate) | Unknown warning: "$1". |
api-error-unknownerror (Talk) (Translate) | Unknown error: "$1". |
api-error-uploaddisabled (Talk) (Translate) | Uploading is disabled on this wiki. |
api-error-verification-error (Talk) (Translate) | This file might be corrupt, or have the wrong extension. |
apihelp-pfautocomplete-description (Talk) (Translate) | Autocompletion used by the Page Forms extension. |
apihelp-pfautocomplete-param-base_cargo_field (Talk) (Translate) | The Cargo field for a previous field in the form to check against |
apihelp-pfautocomplete-param-base_cargo_table (Talk) (Translate) | The Cargo table for a previous field in the form to check against |
apihelp-pfautocomplete-param-baseprop (Talk) (Translate) | A previous Semantic MediaWiki property in the form to check against |
apihelp-pfautocomplete-param-basevalue (Talk) (Translate) | The value to check for the previous property or field |
apihelp-pfautocomplete-param-cargo_field (Talk) (Translate) | The field of the Cargo table whose values will be autocompleted on |
apihelp-pfautocomplete-param-cargo_table (Talk) (Translate) | A database table, defined by the Cargo extension, whose values will be autocompleted on |
apihelp-pfautocomplete-param-category (Talk) (Translate) | A category whose pages will be autocompleted on |
apihelp-pfautocomplete-param-concept (Talk) (Translate) | A Semantic MediaWiki "concept" whose pages will be autocompleted on |
apihelp-pfautocomplete-param-external_url (Talk) (Translate) | An alias for an external URL from which to get values |
apihelp-pfautocomplete-param-field_is_array (Talk) (Translate) | Whether the specified Cargo field holds an array of values |
apihelp-pfautocomplete-param-limit (Talk) (Translate) | A limit on the number of results returned |
apihelp-pfautocomplete-param-namespace (Talk) (Translate) | A namespace whose pages will be autocompleted on |
apihelp-pfautocomplete-param-property (Talk) (Translate) | A Semantic MediaWiki property whose values will be autocompleted on |
apihelp-pfautocomplete-param-substr (Talk) (Translate) | The substring to autocomplete on |
apihelp-pfautocomplete-summary (Talk) (Translate) | Autocompletion used by the Page Forms extension. |
apihelp-pfautoedit-description (Talk) (Translate) | Create or edit a page using a form defined by the Page Forms extension. |
apihelp-pfautoedit-param-form (Talk) (Translate) | The Page Forms form to use |
apihelp-pfautoedit-param-preload (Talk) (Translate) | The name of a page to preload in the form |
apihelp-pfautoedit-param-query (Talk) (Translate) | The query string |
apihelp-pfautoedit-param-target (Talk) (Translate) | The name of the page to be created or edited |
apihelp-pfautoedit-summary (Talk) (Translate) | Create or edit a page using a form defined by the Page Forms extension. |
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